Testimonials ( 37 )

Review By Azhar,
Bagus dan ramah, barang juga lengkap
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Review By Faisal,
Pelayanan ramah, baik, dan memuaskan
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Review By Glenn Christian Sudiyono,
Glenn Christian Sudiyono
Barangnya terbaekk, pelayanannya terbaekk
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About us

DigiWareprovide electronic components in general and has a specificity of components related to digital, microprocessor / microcontroller, sensors, robotics, wireless (GPS, RFID), embedded modules (internet), and Digital Signal Processing (Voice Recognition, CMUcam).

Visi dan Misi

Vision : To become a complete provider of electronic components, innovative and global perspective.
Mision : Being a major partner for educational institutions, industry and electronics hobbyists to develop electronics in Indonesia.

Since its inception DigiWare always strive to provide the services 'plus' for its customers. Datasheet components, technical support and outsourcing of components that are difficult to come by in the market are some examples of services 'plus' DigiWare to customers. With a network of suppliers / supplier of strong, experienced practitioners support the DigiWare will try to meet all customer needs.

Along with the rapid development of electronics then DigiWare will always be ready with innovative components and services in accordance with the motto " Unlimited Innovation ', boundless innovation for customer satisfaction.