BNO055 Intelligent 9-axis Sensor Breakout Fermion


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Rp 315.000

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BNO055 adalah IC sensor yang mengintegrasikan 9-axis Absolute Orientation Sensor. BNO055 menggabungkan 3-axis 14-bit accelerometer, 3-axis 16-bit gyroscope, 3-axis geomagnetic sensor, dan a 32-bit mikrokontroller dalam 1 modul. BNO055 memiliki ukuran yang sangat kecil 5.2 x 3.8 x 1.1mm sehingga cocok digunakan untuk aplikasi mobile/wearable.

Spesfikasi :

  • Catu daya: 3.3V-5.5V
  • Antarmuka: I2C (Support 5V) or SPI(Non-I2C ports only support 3.3V)
  • Alamat I2C: 0x28 (default)
  • BNO055 Accelerometer:
    • Acceleration ranges ±2g/±4g/±8g/±16
    • Low-pass filter bandwidths 1kHz~<8Hz
    • Operation modes: normal, suspend, low power, standby, deep suspend
  • BNO055 Gyroscope:
    • Ranges switchable from ±125°/s~2000°/s
    • Low-pass filter bandwidths 523Hz~12Hz
    • Operation modes: normal, fast power up, deep suspend, suspend, advanced power save.
    • On-chip interrupt control: motion-triggered interrupt-signal
  • BNO055 Geomagnetic:
    • Magnetic field range typical ±1300uT(x-,y-axis);±2500uT(z-axis)
    • Magnetic field resolution: ~0.3
    • Operating nodes: low power, regular, enhanced regular, high accuracy
    • Power modes: normal, sleep, force
  • Dimensi: 19 x 21mm/0.75 x 0.83”

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BNO055 Intelligent 9-axis Sensor Breakout Fermion

BNO055 Intelligent 9-axis Sensor Breakout Fermion

BNO055 adalah IC sensor yang mengintegrasikan 9-axis Absolute Orientation Sensor

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