MPLAB ICD 2 Module plus RS-232 Cable, power supply Lihat lebih detail

MPLAB ICD 2 Module plus RS-232 Cable, power supply


Stok Produkinden


Rp 3.401.900

MPLAB in-circuit debugger module untuk mikrokontroler PIC.
Spesifikasi :
- Real-time background debugging
- Peripheral freeze-on-halt, stops timers at breakpoints
- Reading/writing memory & EEDATA of target microcontroller
- Erase of program memory space with verification
- Programs configuration bits
- Built-in over-voltage & short circuit monitor
- Mendukung target voltage 2 - 6 Volt
- Tersedia diagnostic LED (Power, Busy, Error)
- Antarmuka RS-232
- Firmware dapat di-upgrade dari PC
- Dilengkapi MPLAB IDE GUI, kabel RS-232 Cable, dan power supply


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MPLAB ICD 2 Module plus RS-232 Cable, power supply

MPLAB ICD 2 Module plus RS-232 Cable, power supply

MPLAB in-circuit debugger module untuk mikrokontroler PIC.

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