Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2


Stok Produk
Surabaya2 pcs


Rp 942.000

Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2 adalah papan AI berukuran sangat kecil yang dilengkapi dengan modul NINA B306 berbasis Nordic nRF52480 dan prosesor Arm Cortex-M4F. Board ini juga dilengkapi dengan sensor bawaan BMI270 6-axis IMU (Accelerometer and Gyroscope) dan BMM150 3-axis IMU (Magnetometer). Fitur utama Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense adalah menjalanakan aplikasi Edge Computing (AI) menggunakan TinyML

Modul ini sangat cocok digunakan untuk perangkat wearable, aplikasi pengenalan gerakan dan suara menggunakan mikrofon, monitoring suhu ruangan dll.

Spesifikasi :

  • Mikrokontroller : nRF52840 (datasheet)
  • Tegangan operasi : 3.3V DC
  • Tegangan Input : 21V DC (Maks.)
  • DC Current per I/O Pin : 15 mA
  • Clock Speed : 64MHz
  • CPU Flash Memory : 1MB (nRF52840)
  • SRAM : 256KB (nRF52840)
  • EEPROM : No
  • Digital Input / Output Pins : 14
  • PWM Pins : all digital pins
  • UART : 1
  • SPI : 1
  • I2C : 1
  • Analog Input Pins : 8 (ADC 12 bit 200 k samples)
  • Analog Output Pins : Only through PWM (no DAC)
  • External Interrupts : all digital pins
  • LED_BUILTIN : Pin 13
  • USB : Native in the nRF52840 Processor
  • IMU : BMI270 6-axis IMU Accelerometer and Gyroscope (datasheet)
    • 16-bit
    • 3-axis accelerometer with ±2g/±4g/±8g/±16g range
    • 3-axis gyroscope with ±125dps/±250dps/±500dps/±1000dps/±2000dps range
  • IMU : BMM150 3-axis Magnetometer (datasheet)
    • 3-axis digital geomagnetic sensor
    • 0.3μT resolution
    • ±1300μT (x,y-axis), ±2500μT (z-axis)
  • Microphone : MP34DT06JTR (datasheet)
    • AOP = 122.5 dbSPL
    • 64 dB signal-to-noise ratio
    • Omnidirectional sensitivity
    • –26 dBFS ± 3 dB sensitivity
  • Gesture, light, proximity, color : APDS9960 (datasheet)
    • Ambient Light and RGB Color Sensing with UV and IR blocking filters
    • Very high sensitivity – Ideally suited for operation behind dark glass
    • Proximity Sensing with Ambient light rejection
    • Complex Gesture Sensing
  • Barometric pressure : LPS22HB (datasheet)
    • 260 to 1260 hPa absolute pressure range with 24 bit precision
    • High overpressure capability: 20x full-scale
    • Embedded temperature compensation
    • 16-bit temperature data output
    • 1 Hz to 75 Hz output data rateInterrupt functions: Data Ready, FIFO flags, pressure thresholds
  • Temperature, humidity : HS3003 (datasheet)
    • 0-100% relative humidity range
    • Humidity accuracy: ±1.5%RH, typical (HS3001, 10 to 90%RH,25°C)
    • Temperature sensor accuracy: ±0.1°C, typical
    • Up to 14-bit humidity and temperature output data
  • DC-DC : P2322
    • Regulates input voltage from up to 21V with a minimum of 65% efficiency @minimum load
    • More than 85% efficiency @12V

Dokumen :
Tutorial dan Datasheet
Get Started with Machine Learning
Edge Impulse

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Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2

Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2

Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2 adalah papan AI berukuran sangat kecil yang dilengkapi dengan modul NINA B306 berbasis Nordic nRF52480 

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